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== 个人简历 ==
== '''个人简历''' ==

1999.09 - 2003.07 北京师范大学 理学学士(生物科学)
1999.09 - 2003.07 北京师范大学 理学学士(生物科学)
第14行: 第14行:
2019.05 - 今: 北京大学城市与环境学院生态研究中心 研究员/课题组长/博士生导师
2019.05 - 今: 北京大学城市与环境学院生态研究中心 研究员/课题组长/博士生导师

== 特邀职务和荣誉 ==
== '''特邀职务和荣誉''' ==

* '''国际生态恢复协会(SER)生态恢复国际标准撰写团队成员。'''
* 国际生态恢复协会(SER)生态恢复国际标准撰写团队成员。
* '''Forktail编委。'''
* Forktail编委。
* '''2019.09 - 今:《生物多样性》编委。'''
* 2019.09 - 今:《生物多样性》编委。
* '''2019.09 - 今:2005年获得“第九届青藏高原青年科技奖”。'''
* 2019.09 - 今:2005年获得“第九届青藏高原青年科技奖”。

== 学术论文 ==
== '''学术论文''' ==
#Hua F*, Wang L*, Fisher B, Zheng X, Wang X, Yu DW, Tang Y, Zhu J, Wilcove DS. 2018. Tree plantations displacing
#'''Hua F*, Wang L*, Fisher B, Zheng X, Wang X, Yu DW, Tang Y, Zhu J, Wilcove DS. 2018. Tree plantations displacing native forests: The nature and drivers of apparent forest recovery on former croplands in Southwestern China from 2000 to 2015. Biological Conservation 222:113-124. (*: equal contribution) Hua F, Xu J, Wilcove DS. 2018. A new opportunity to recover native forests in China. Conservation Letters 11:e12396.'''
native forests: The nature and drivers of apparent forest recovery on former croplands in Southwestern China from 2000
#'''Hua F, Yong DL, Janra MN, Fitri LM, Prawiradilaga D, Sieving KE. 2016. Functional traits determine heterospecific use of risk-related social information in forest birds of tropical Southeast Asia. Ecology and Evolution 6:8485-8494.'''
to 2015. Biological Conservation 222:113-124. (*: equal contribution) Hua F, Xu J, Wilcove DS. 2018. A new opportunity
#'''Hua F, Wang X, Zheng X, Fisher B, Wang L, Zhu J, Tang Y, Yu DW, Wilcove DS. 2016. Opportunities for biodiversity gains under the world’s largest reforestation program. Nature Communications. Hua F, Sieving KE. 2016. Understory avifauna exhibits altered mobbing behavior in tropical forest degraded by selective logging. Oecologia 182:743-754.'''
to recover native forests in China. Conservation Letters 11:e12396.
#'''Hua F*, Hu J*, Liu Y*, Giam XL, Lee TM, Luo H, Wu J, Liang Q, Zhao J, Long X, Pang H, Wang B, Liang W, Zhang Z, Gao X, Zhu J. 2016. Community-wide changes in intertaxonomic temporal co-occurrence resulting from phenological shifts. Global Change Biology 22: 1746-1754. (*: equal contribution) .'''
#Hua F, Yong DL, Janra MN, Fitri LM, Prawiradilaga D, Sieving KE. 2016. Functional traits determine heterospecific
#'''Hua F, Sieving KE, Fletcher RJ Jr, Wright CA. 2014. Increased perception of predation risk to adults and offspring alters avian reproductive strategy and performance. Behavioral Ecology 25:509-519.'''
use of risk-related social information in forest birds of tropical Southeast Asia. Ecology and Evolution 6:8485-8494.
#'''Hua F, Fletcher RJ Jr, Sieving KE, Dorazio RM. 2013. Too risky to settle: avian community structure changes in response to perceived predation risk on adults and offspring. Proceedings of Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280:20130762.'''
#Hua F, Wang X, Zheng X, Fisher B, Wang L, Zhu J, Tang Y, Yu DW, Wilcove DS. 2016. Opportunities for biodiversity
gains under the world’s largest reforestation program. Nature Communications. Hua F, Sieving KE. 2016. Understory
avifauna exhibits altered mobbing behavior in tropical forest degraded by selective logging. Oecologia 182:743-754.
#Hua F*, Hu J*, Liu Y*, Giam XL, Lee TM, Luo H, Wu J, Liang Q, Zhao J, Long X, Pang H, Wang B, Liang W, Zhang Z, Gao
X, Zhu J. 2016. Community-wide changes in intertaxonomic temporal co-occurrence resulting from phenological shifts.
Global Change Biology 22: 1746-1754. (*: equal contribution) .
#Hua F, Sieving KE, Fletcher RJ Jr, Wright CA. 2014. Increased perception of predation risk to adults and offspring
alters avian reproductive strategy and performance. Behavioral Ecology 25:509-519.
#Hua F, Fletcher RJ Jr, Sieving KE, Dorazio RM. 2013. Too risky to settle: avian community structure changes in
response to perceived predation risk on adults and offspring. Proceedings of Royal Society B: Biological Sciences


2024年5月8日 (三) 08:36的版本



1999.09 - 2003.07 北京师范大学 理学学士(生物科学)

2006.08 - 2013.05 佛罗里达大学 哲学博士(野生动物生态与保护)

2013.09 - 2016.12 普林斯顿大学生态与进化生物学系 博士后

2017.03 - 2019.02 剑桥大学保护研究中心 英国皇家学会牛顿国际学者

2019.05 - 今: 北京大学城市与环境学院生态研究中心 研究员/课题组长/博士生导师


  • 国际生态恢复协会(SER)生态恢复国际标准撰写团队成员。
  • Forktail编委。
  • 2019.09 - 今:《生物多样性》编委。
  • 2019.09 - 今:2005年获得“第九届青藏高原青年科技奖”。


  1. Hua F*, Wang L*, Fisher B, Zheng X, Wang X, Yu DW, Tang Y, Zhu J, Wilcove DS. 2018. Tree plantations displacing

native forests: The nature and drivers of apparent forest recovery on former croplands in Southwestern China from 2000 to 2015. Biological Conservation 222:113-124. (*: equal contribution) Hua F, Xu J, Wilcove DS. 2018. A new opportunity to recover native forests in China. Conservation Letters 11:e12396.

  1. Hua F, Yong DL, Janra MN, Fitri LM, Prawiradilaga D, Sieving KE. 2016. Functional traits determine heterospecific

use of risk-related social information in forest birds of tropical Southeast Asia. Ecology and Evolution 6:8485-8494.

  1. Hua F, Wang X, Zheng X, Fisher B, Wang L, Zhu J, Tang Y, Yu DW, Wilcove DS. 2016. Opportunities for biodiversity

gains under the world’s largest reforestation program. Nature Communications. Hua F, Sieving KE. 2016. Understory avifauna exhibits altered mobbing behavior in tropical forest degraded by selective logging. Oecologia 182:743-754.

  1. Hua F*, Hu J*, Liu Y*, Giam XL, Lee TM, Luo H, Wu J, Liang Q, Zhao J, Long X, Pang H, Wang B, Liang W, Zhang Z, Gao

X, Zhu J. 2016. Community-wide changes in intertaxonomic temporal co-occurrence resulting from phenological shifts. Global Change Biology 22: 1746-1754. (*: equal contribution) .

  1. Hua F, Sieving KE, Fletcher RJ Jr, Wright CA. 2014. Increased perception of predation risk to adults and offspring

alters avian reproductive strategy and performance. Behavioral Ecology 25:509-519.

  1. Hua F, Fletcher RJ Jr, Sieving KE, Dorazio RM. 2013. Too risky to settle: avian community structure changes in

response to perceived predation risk on adults and offspring. Proceedings of Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280:20130762.